It started as a routine speech in Iowa, but by the end of the day, Senator Ted Cruz had sparked a controversy that would dominate headlines for weeks. His claim? …
Tom Foolery

Tom Foolery
The mastermind behind grew up in the crossfire of political extremes. With one parent addicted to MSNBC and the other to Newsmax, his childhood dinner table felt more like a televised debate than family time. By his teens, he was ghostwriting zingers for politicians and crafting punchlines that stirred Congressional drama and Twitter feuds. A career-ending mishap involving a misread joke and an international incident (don’t ask) sent him wandering the nation, searching for meaning—and a Wi-Fi signal.
It started as a simple campaign stop for Senator Lindsey Graham. The plan? Shake hands, kiss babies, and maybe snap a photo or two. But when a selfie with a …
Senator Elizabeth Warren’s 2024 presidential campaign was all about bold ideas. Medicare for All, student debt cancellation, and taxing the ultra-wealthy were expected to dominate headlines. But instead, her campaign …