In a moment destined for the history books—or at least viral memes—President Joe Biden concluded his farewell address to the nation last night with an unintentional twist: he appeared to …
Tom Foolery

Tom Foolery
The mastermind behind grew up in the crossfire of political extremes. With one parent addicted to MSNBC and the other to Newsmax, his childhood dinner table felt more like a televised debate than family time. By his teens, he was ghostwriting zingers for politicians and crafting punchlines that stirred Congressional drama and Twitter feuds. A career-ending mishap involving a misread joke and an international incident (don’t ask) sent him wandering the nation, searching for meaning—and a Wi-Fi signal.
Electile Dysfunction
Congressional Staffers Introduce ‘Bring Your Therapist to Work Day’
by Tom Fooleryby Tom FooleryIn a groundbreaking initiative to address Capitol Hill’s growing stress levels, congressional staffers have launched the first-ever “Bring Your Therapist to Work Day.” The pilot program, held this week, saw …
Satire Spotlight
Bipartisan Task Force Asks: ‘Where Will We Get Our Cat Videos Now?’
by Tom Fooleryby Tom FooleryIn a rare moment of unity, Congress has come together to address the most pressing issue of our time: the disappearance of cat videos following the impending TikTok ban. A …
Satire Spotlight
New Study Finds Politicians Spend 75% of Time Practicing Dramatic Pauses
by Tom Fooleryby Tom FooleryIn a revelation that surprised no one and disappointed everyone, a new study from the Center for Rhetorical Overanalysis (CRO) has found that politicians spend a staggering 75% of their …
In a move that has left economists stunned and taxpayers scratching their heads, the IRS announced today the introduction of a groundbreaking new “Pay-What-You-Feel” tax bracket. The plan, dubbed the …
Satire Spotlight
Bernie Sanders Spotted at Mar-a-Lago Poolside: ‘Researching Inequality in Real Time’
by Tom Fooleryby Tom FooleryIn a twist that left both fans and critics scratching their heads, Senator Bernie Sanders was reportedly seen at Mar-a-Lago this weekend, seated poolside with a clipboard, a stack of …
Satire Spotlight
New Law Requires Politicians to Plant a Tree for Every Campaign Promise Broken
by Tom Fooleryby Tom FooleryIn a groundbreaking effort to tackle climate change and political cynicism simultaneously, Congress has passed a new law requiring politicians to plant a tree for every campaign promise they fail …
Satire Spotlight
Department of Transportation Introduces Emotional Support Lane for Overwhelmed Drivers
by Tom Fooleryby Tom FooleryIn a bold and unprecedented move, the Department of Transportation (DOT) has announced the rollout of “Emotional Support Lanes” on major highways across the nation. The initiative, aimed at providing …
Satire Spotlight
White House Announces All Future Press Briefings Will Be Held on Zoom with a ‘Mute All’ Option
by Tom Fooleryby Tom FooleryIn a groundbreaking move to modernize communications and possibly preserve staff sanity, the White House has announced that all future press briefings will now be held on Zoom. The decision, …
Electile Dysfunction
Trump Announces Plan to Rename National Parks After Himself: ‘They’ll Be Yuge!’
by Tom Fooleryby Tom FooleryIn a move that has shocked environmentalists and delighted branding experts, President-elect Donald Trump announced today his plan to rebrand America’s national parks with names that “better reflect greatness.” The …